HER DILEMMA Being overweight was something she had become accustomed to. Losing weight seemed too much of an uphill battle. How was she going to lose weight when the only store she visited was the corner store? How was she going to lose weight when her Grandma was the only who cooked for her? She […]
Author Archive | Francie Wolgin
CHOC (Children’s Home of Cincinnati)
We recently had a teenager who after gym class reported to his teacher that his testicles were hurting. The teacher sent him to the clinic where he demonstrated a lot of pain. Upon examination, it appeared that he had a left testicular torsion, this is confirmed by ultrasound and is a medical emergency. We were […]
Roberts Paideia Academy gets an upgrade
The Roberts Paideia Academy recently expanded their facility. They added an outside entrance for the community, a bathroom, exam room and waiting area. They serve the general public and will be open through the summer. Read more about Roberts Paideia Academy. Their hours are Monday-Friday, 8am-4:30pm. For more information contact Nicole DeGreg, FNP at [email protected] […]
Interact’s school-based health center work featured in Health Affairs
The April 2017 edition of Health Affairs features an article about Interact for Health’s work starting school-based health centers. In “School-Based Health Centers: A Funder’s View Of Effective Grant Making,” Susan Sprigg, Francie Wolgin, Jennifer Chubinski and Kate Keller share the lessons learned by Interact in its nearly 20 years of funding SBHCs. These include […]
Withrow Health Center
“Good place that helps a lot. Helped raise my iron with pills and checking my iron level” – 11th Grade Withrow “I don’t feel sick again. I don’t have to go home when I am sick. Make you feel welcome” – 8th Grade Withrow “Helpful. Ask and the nurses give. They have what you need.” […]
Oyler Health Center
A story that comes to mind happened in the 2016-2017 school year. We had a 15 yo female who had never been to the dentist not once. She had been bounced around from foster care to different homes. She did not have insurance. She had low self-esteem and wasn’t too happy about coming to the […]
Stories A student had come into the Student-Based Health Center for a well-child visit for a regular check-up. The nurse practitioner performed a urine test to check his sugar levels. Upon receiving the results of the test, she immediately contacted Cincinnati Children’s Hospital to see the student. He was diagnosed with Type I Diabetes. Children’s […]
“Very thorough!” – 60 year old patient “They love it and want to stay with us” – Nurse Practitioner The father of an 18 year old patient said that the School-Based Health Center at the Hamilton City Schools performed a more thorough examination compared to the neurologist. Many of the students using the School-Based Health […]
Withrow Dental Center
A 9th grade student visited the Dental Center to get a cavity filled. She was referred to UC to have wisdom teeth pulled out and get braces put in. This allowed her to improve her grades rather than let them deteriorate because she didn’t feel well and miss school. The 4 front teeth of a […]
Deaconess Dental at Western Hills/Dater
We work five days a week from 7:30 am to 3:30 pm. During the school year we primarily see students, but fit in community patients before and after school. During school breaks we focus on families and community members. Obviously we provide care for West High and Dater students, but we also bus in elementary […]