Quotes: Students when asked about what they like about the school nurses:
“They ask you about your day; nice attitude, give us ideas to prevent us from doing bad stuff & if we do we have a safe place to go”- 8th grade Roberts student
“Because I feel good when I am with them”- SIFE student
“They help people when they can’t treat themselves”- 6th grade student
“They understand us better than any adults-like teachers” -5th grade student
“They don’t usually scare me and talk nicely & they’re the best nurses in the world! If it weren’t for them we’d still be sick!” -4th grade student
Success Story:
Last February we had a student recently arrived from Guatemala. As per policy we performed a PPD and from there were able to get consent so that he could get caught up with immunizations and get a WCC in the SBHC. Upon his visit in the clinic the NP began monitoring patient for anxiety. During his subsequent visit later in the month the CWA identified a positive PHQ-2 and proceeded to give him the PHQ-9 depression questionnaire. From that screening the provider learned that the 15 year old patient was having suicidal ideation. He was promptly referred to CCHMC whereas he received mental health services and suicide intervention. Having been born in the US he also qualified for Medicaid and was promptly referred to our specialist who was then able to procure health insurance for the pt. After a few months interacting with the health center the boy quickly turned around – he found a place/people with whom he could share his thoughts and process his immigration to the US. As a result, he improved his diet, lost 25 lbs., (bringing him to a healthy BMI), and was able to interact with his peers, and improved his grades- enabling him to continue on to high school. He started his times at Roberts looking morose and downtrodden and by the time he left he was a smiling, upbeat kid.