Well child care is integral to our practice at Pleasant Hill Academy, and this year we were excited to implement point-of care-lipid testing. This has been a great tool for educating students on how important diet and exercise is to their overall health. Students are intrigued by the test itself, and are very interested in how to increase their “good” cholesterol and decrease their “bad” cholesterol. We make it a priority to discuss 5-2-1-0 eating guidelines at every well child visit, share growth charts with students, and give students personalized tips and tricks for leading a healthier lifestyle. We’ve also become more aggressive about follow-up with students whose biometrics and lipids are out of range. Working closely with pediatric ENTs, cardiologists, and nutrition specialists, we have been able to arrange for follow up and specialized management of chronic conditions such as obstructive sleep apnea, prediabetes, and severe childhood obesity.